Subscribe and distribution

The national Bank Magazine is the leading publication of the banking industry in Russia. Founded by the Association of Russian banks. Published since 2003.

NBJ is expert assessment, statistics, analysis s, forecasts, interviews with representatives of regulatory structures and Bank officials, reviews of credit and investment attractiveness of Russian regions and various sectors of the economy, as well as description of advanced technologies that promote the victory in the competition.

Periodicity - 1 time per month. The circulation of 35 000 - 105 000 copies.

Reading NBJ, you will be able to learn the views of leading Russian and world experts on various topical issues (foreign and domestic economic situation, risk management, insurance, mortgage, SME lending, retail lending, asset management etc).
Now you can subscribe to the NBJ directly through the editorial office. For all subscribed with the current month to the end of 2014, we have prepared gifts and discount prices while ensuring a log of all interested members of the organization.

For subscription on NBJ: Vishnikina Anastasia,,; +7(495)221-88-15, EXT. 102, +7-964-598-85-31.


Seven reasons to subscribe to NBJ:

1. Stay informed. NBJ gives the fullest and the most unbiased description of the events in the banking community.

2. Learn what happens in other sectors of the economy, since banks cannot exist in vacuum. NBJ provides readers with information on the widest range of issues and problems.

3. Know what happens tomorrow to make the right choice today. NBJ regularly publishes articles, interviews and comments of the most authoritative market experts.

4. Know your competitors: we learn both by mistakes and achievements of each other. Read in NBJ exclusive interviews with top officials of the banking community and heads of leading credit institutions.

5. Always go forward, but keep looking back. Only in NBJ: two exclusive sections, “History lessons” and “Ups and downs”.

6. Use the science and technology for the benefit of your bank. “Upgrade”, a dedicated section in NBJ, keeps you informed about hi-tech solutions and case studies.

7. And finally - You have to subscribe for a simple reason that other heads and top managers of all leading banks, investment companies and governmental bodies have already subscribed to NBJ. Join the community of our readers and authors!